Free Upcoming Classes
Únase a nosotros en 5 sesiones grupales + 3 sesiones individuales para obtener ideas para padres que le permitan enfrentar los desafíos de criar a los niños hoy en día.
Fechas: 2 de Abril - 21 de Mayo, Miércoles de 5:30 a 6:30 pm (Pacífico).
Regístrese por teléfono o correo electrónico a continuación:
8-week Virtual Parenting Class AND In-Person Playgroups!
Clackamas and Multnomah County residents, please join us for our next class, running from February 6th to April 3rd!
For parents and children ages 0 - 6 years.
Learn more (Spanish - Publicación en Español )
Learn more (Ukrainian - Публікація українською мовою)
Learn more (Russian - Публикация на русском языке)
Positive Parenting Virtual Class Information:
Ongoing: Mom's Support Circle
Every Thursday, 11 am - 12:30 pm.
Meeting ID: 813 4143 6619
Brought to you by Community Health Workers specializing in Maternal and Child Health.
Learn more (Spanish - Publicación en Español )
More virtual classes and events in English and Spanish:
Our sister organization, The Swindell’s Resource Center, coordinates numerous free and enriching classes for families. They focus on topics like behavior support, planning for a medical emergency, learning to be a new parent, healthcare advocacy, mental health support and so much more.