For Families
Autism ALERT supports the families of children who qualify for an autism evaluation by connecting them with a Family Navigator to walk with them through their journey.
We are a specialized team of Family Navigators here to support families through the process of getting an autism evaluation and help them explore the treatment options that best fit their child. Autism services are complex, but parents and families don’t have to do it alone.
Autism ALERT is for families.
The process of getting your child evaluated for an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming, and once you get a diagnosis, it can be hard to know where to start in finding the right services and support for your child and your family. Our Family Navigators will work with you and your provider to connect you to services and help coordinate your care.
Autism ALERT serves children ages 0-5 who are suspected to have autism.
Must be referred by a physician
Cannot have a formal/medical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Children and families must reside in Multnomah, Clackamas, or Washington county.
What if my child is over the age of 5 and live outside of those counties?
Help Me Grow and Swindells are able to offer family navigation as well and we can help you get connected to them.
There are no eligibility requirements to seek Help Me Grow and Swindell Resource Center services.
They serve ALL families in Oregon.
*Fill out our contact form or call Help Me Grow at 503-215-2429 for more information.
Who we are.
Autism ALERT is a partnership between Help Me Grow and OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital through the support of CareOregon.