• Help Me Grow is the early childhood team of Swindells Resource Center. Together, we support families prenatal through adulthood. Anyone can make a referral.

  • ASQ

    The ASQ is now available 1 month through age 6. Answer questions about your child’s skills to understand and track your child’s development!

  • Learn the Signs. Act Early.

    Concerned about a chld’s development? Act early when follow-up and support can make a difference. Learn more about Early Intervention today!

  • Upcoming Workshops and Events

    Check out our upcoming classes AND/OR sign up for our newsletter!

  • Tell us your story

    Has your family been supported by Help Me Grow? Tell us more about it!

What Is Help Me Grow?

Help Me Grow Oregon is a FREE family support line, which operates within the Swindells Resource Center at Providence, serving families with children throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our diverse and compassionate team collaborates to provide a continuum of care that extends from the prenatal stages through transition to adulthood.

Help Me Grow specializes in early childhood (pregnancy to 5 years of age), acting as a bridge to connect families and professionals to providers, referrals, and existing resources that help children thrive. We strive to identify and address barriers so families can receive information and equitable access to the resources that best support their children’s growth and are in harmony with their goals and values.

Our resource navigators are here to support you. If you are a parent, health care provider or community service provider, let us help you get the resources your family needs, when you need them. We believe all children should be able to grow, develop, and thrive to reach their full potential.

Whether you would like to reach Help me Grow (prenatal - 5 years) or Swindells Resource Center (6 years - transition to adulthood), please fill out our contact us form or give us a call and we will connect you to the appropriate team.

Help Me Grow connects families with:


  • "Thank you so much for your care and attention to our family and getting us what we needed. We are so grateful for you and your time."

    - Help Me Grow Family

  • Parent was concerned about his child's development. In the past the child did not meet the criteria for Early Intervention. I encouraged and assisted the parent in resubmitting the referral. At the appointment they evaluated him, and their son now qualifies for Early Intervention. Parent said, "All because of You."

    - Help Me Grow Specialist

  • "I always look forward to our conversations and appreciate all your encouragement."

    - Help Me Grow Family

  • “You have been priceless. I want to thank you for helping me through this mess. I am so excited to share with you that we now have supports for my child in school. Thank you so much for your help.”

    - Help Me Grow Family

  • Working with a family for 5 months trying to get them connected to a food pantry that would meet their cultural needs. I was finally able to get them set up to receive food boxes twice a month as well as financial assistance. Family said, "Really appreciate all of your help." The family sounded hopeful and relieved.

    - Help Me Grow Specialist

  • " I really appreciate the support and love how you guys check in on us and makes sure we feel supported.”

    -Help Me Grow Family

  • Mom got connected to Early Intervention and a Psychological evaluation for her 5-year-old. She said she feels much more confident with a game plan, and "light at the end of the tunnel.”

    - Help Me Grow Specialist

Four key components characterize the Help Me Grow model:

Our Centralized Access Point assists families and professionals in connecting children to community resources that help them thrive.

Family & Community Outreach builds parent and provider understanding of healthy child development, supportive services available to families in the community, and how both are important to improving children’s outcomes.

To make sure resources are working together effectively, Data Collection & Analysis supports evaluation, helps identify systemic gaps, bolters advocacy efforts, and guides quality improvement.

When potential concerns are spotted early on, they can be easier to address. Child Health Care Provider Outreach supports early detection and intervention efforts and connects medical providers to community resources to best support families.

Help Me Grow Oregon is a part of the Help Me Grow National Center.